Dialysis Clinic, Inc. - Articles-category -Articles
DCI Emergency and Natural Disaster Hotline 866-424-1990
Confidential Compliance Hotline: 877-326-1109
DCI Patient Experience Feedback Line: 833-602-2199 or Patient.Experience@dciinc.org
Honoring Three Decades of Supporting Employees, DCI Celebrates Denise Redman’s Retirement

With hearts full of gratitude and appreciation, we wish Employee Relations Specialist Denise Redman all the best as she retires after 31 years of working for Dialysis Clinic, Inc. this month. “I’ve been blessed, and I am grateful for all the DCI connections that have touched my life over the decades,” Denise said. “I am honored to have been a member of this wonderful organization.”   Originally from East Tennessee, Denise began working at DCI as a receptio...

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