Hello Kidneys
Osage Beach hemo in center will work with CKD care coordinator educating on renal stages. Would like to bring awareness to PCP’s on stage 3 renal. Will express the need to see nephrologist and ongoing CKD care is the best interest of the patient. Stage 4 will bring awareness to nephrologist and surgeons in area to have AVF placement. Stage five patient will be well informed of modalities and can make in informed decision.
Early detection and education. Less patients finding out last minute they have renal disease. Patient can be followed from stage 3 to ESRD. The patient can make an informed decision without being overwhelmed with last minute information. PCP’s will have the information and ability to send to CKD/Nephrology. PCP’s will know there are more resources out there. Best outcomes with community awareness.
We were able to successfully educate primary care doctors about the resources available to support people living with kidney disease.
On 09/10/2019 Osage Beach staff, the chronic kidney disease care coordinator, Debbie Blomberg, and nephrologist, Dr. Young, met with clinical physicians for an educational awareness dinner. The meeting was held at a local hospital in Jefferson City. Physicians from St. Mary’s hospital were also in attendance. Approximately 30 physicians and five nurse practitioners attended.
Dr. Young presented awareness to primary care doctors on Stage 3 kidney disease. Dr. Young expressed the need to see a nephrologist and Chronic Kidney Disease Care Coordinator to continue to follow the patient needs. Discussion of Stage 4 kidney disease brought awareness of the need for patients to have fistula placement. This is important so the patient will have a matured access when he/she is ready to begin dialysis. Discussion of Stage 5, end stage kidney disease, was regarding the need for the patient to be well informed of all treatment options in order to make an informed decision that fits the patient’s lifestyle.
Dr. Young explained the pathway to pre-emptive transplantation, early detection and referring patients to the transplant list prior to needing dialysis.
The CKD educator then presented the services offered to all patients. All physicians were given a printed file folder with all the local clinics names and addresses. Information was also placed on and in folder with information about the REACH Kidney Care program. Physicians were made aware that this service is available to all patients. Primary care doctors were made aware of resources to support the best outcomes for people with kidney disease.
With this Project we have been invited to Boone Hospital and University in Columbia. The nurse manager and CKD educator will keep the Project going. Future plans are to visit local physicians’ offices to distribute information.
Central Missouri/Jefferson City
Contact Person:
Donna Whittle
Email: donna.whittle@dciinc.org